Dec 27, 2010
Dec 21, 2010

Dec 20, 2010

Dec 6, 2010

Dec 5, 2010

Dec 2, 2010

Dec 1, 2010

Nov 30, 2010

Nov 28, 2010

Nov 27, 2010

Nov 24, 2010

Haiyooooo, sejak semalam hidung aku asyik berair saja. Opis sejuk gilos , bila kuar panas gilos..dua situasi yang amat berbeza dan akan mengakibatkan aku selsema dan tak sedap mata...hahahha
Nov 23, 2010

A few weeks before her wedding day, Rachelle Friedman went out for her bachelorette party with some close friends last May. After a night out on the town, the group went to the home of Rachelle's best friend.
The friend playfully pushed Rachelle into the swimming pool — something they'd done to each other many times before — but this time the bride-to-be landed on her head, paralyzing her from her chest down.
In the ensuing six months, Rachelle has worked to adjust to her new reality. Despite the odds and the tragic turn her life has taken, she is "doing awesome," Friedman says in a Monday interview with the "Today" show. She credits her family and her fiancé, Chris Chapman — who says in the segment that the wedding is still on: "I never once thought about leaving her or this situation." As for the friend, whose name Rachelle wants to keep from the press, Rachelle says, "I'm absolutely best friends with the girl…. Blaming her would be ridiculous."
In a recent interview with ABC News, Friedman recalled more of the accident. "I instantly went stiff and couldn't move," she said. "I weirdly did not panic. I kind of knew exactly what happened, and I floated up to the surface and said, 'Help,' and then my friends called 911."
ABC reports that the doctors at the hospital "quickly determined that Friedman had suffered a C6 spinal cord injury, leaving her unable to walk or even feel sensation beneath her collarbone." Friedman spent nearly three months in the hospital before beginning rehab. It was then, according to ABC, that she learned just how difficult things were going to be.
"It was definitely a reality check about the long road I was going to have," Friedman said. She has no function in her hands and fingers. "I didn't think about that in ICU," she said. "You only think, 'I'm not going to walk.' "
In addition to the incredible physical challenges, there have been significant financial strains as well. She is receiving help from Medicaid, but if she marries Chapman, their combined income will make her ineligible for assistance.
Complicated insurance questions have also been an ongoing issue. A widely read article from CNN explains more of the challenges that Friedman and future husband Chris Chapman have faced in the weeks leading up to what will be Friedman's first Thanksgiving in a wheelchair.
Despite all the challenges, Friedman is doing her best to stay active. She joined a wheelchair rugby league and holds no ill will toward her friend. Her general philosophy on rehab also keeps her going: "Almost all of it is attitude."
Nov 22, 2010

Return to the magic and wonder of C.S. Lewis’ beloved world – via the fantastic Narnian ship, the Dawn Treader. In this new installment of the blockbuster “The Chronicles of Narnia” motion picture franchise, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their cousin Eustace and their royal friend King Caspian, find themselves swallowed into a painting and on to the Dawn Treader. As they embark on an incredible adventure of destiny and discovery, they confront obstacles beyond imagination.
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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. You can check all this out in their minisite at or Facebook Fan Page: “The Ultimate Movie Card”

Jumlah angka pengguna yang semakin meningkat ini menyebabkan Facebook menjadi salah satu laman paling polpular di dunia., laman pencatat ranking dan perekam lalu lintas internet global menempatkan Facebook sebagai laman kedua paling popular di dunia setelah Google.
Atas fenomena ini maka terlahirlah filem The Social Network.....Filem yang menceritakan kisah hidup Billionaire yang tidak terjangka ini.....Kisah hidup dan cabaran Mark Zukerberg asalnya....
Sekarang 500 juta lebih lainnya penduduk bumi mempunyai akaun Facebook. Ini menandakan, jika Facebook sebuah negara, Facebook negara berpenduduk terbesar ketiga di dunia setelah China dan India .
Facebook adalah salah satu aplikasi paling popular di internet. Jika semula internet hanya menyediakan kita informasi tiada terkira dan sarana berkirim surat, Facebook membuat kita “tinggal” di internet. Kita punya “rumah” Facebook masing-masing dengan teman-teman kita sebagai tetangga. Film ini menyimpulkan dengan baik bagaimana Facebook membentuk manusia ber-evolusi untuk urusan tempat tinggal: We lived in farms, then we lived in cities, and now we're gonna live on the internet! (Kita dulu tinggal di peternakan, lalu kita tinggal di kota, dan sekarang kita tinggal di internet!)
Filem yang ditunggu selama ini telah muncul....The Social Network..memang mantap dan meletup..Oleh kerana aku terlibat dalam bidang yang sama dengan Mark Zukerberg , jadi filem ini menjadi pembakar semangat untuk menjadi Unexpected Billionaire..hahahah
Jom kita review filem ni...nanti sama2 kita layan The Social Network

On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications. From director David Fincher and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin comes The Social Network, a film that proves you don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies. The film is produced by Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, Michael De Luca, and Ceán Chaffin and based on the book "The Accidental Billionaires" by Ben Mezrich.
Every age has its visionaries who leave, in the wake of their genius, a changed world - but rarely without a battle over exactly what happened and who was there at the moment of creation. In The Social Network, director David Fincher and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin explore the moment at which Facebook, the most revolutionary social phenomenon of the new century, was invented -- through the warring perspectives of the super-smart young men who each claimed to be there at its inception. The result is a drama rife with both creation and destruction; one that purposefully avoids a singular POV, but instead, by tracking dueling narratives, mirrors the clashing truths and constantly morphing social relationships that define our time.
Each has his own narrative, his own version of the Facebook story - but they add up to more than the sum of their parts in what becomes a multi-level portrait of 21st Century success - both the youthful fantasy of it and its finite realities as well.
One drunken night in October of 2003, having just broken up with his girlfriend, Mark hacks into the university’s computers to create a site that forms a database of all the women on campus, then lines up two pictures next to each other and asks the user to choose which is "hotter". He calls the site Facemash, and it instantly goes viral, crashing the entire Harvard system and generating campus-wide controversy over the site’s purported misogyny, and charges that Mark, in creating Facemash, intentionally breached security, violated copyrights and violated individual privacy. Yet in that moment, the underlying framework for Facebook is born. Shortly after, Mark launches, which will spread like wildfire from one screen to the next across Harvard, through the Ivy League to Silicon Valley, and then literally to the entire world.
But in the chaos of creation comes passionate conflict -- about how it all went down, and who deserves recognition for what is clearly developing into one of the century’s signal ideas - conflict that will divide friends and spur legal action.
To forge a palpable sense of that fog of creation, of history still being written, Sorkin and Fincher collaborated on a carefully constructed, non-aligned storytelling style that intentionally does not choose sides. Instead, the film presents a consortium of equally tricky narrators - each of whom believes he is in the right and that his particular memories are the truth of the matter - while leaving the larger questions of what really happened entirely open for the audience.
Columbia Pictures presents in association with Relativity Media a Scott Rudin / Michael De Luca / Trigger Street production of a David Fincher film, The Social Network. Directed by David Fincher. Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin. Based upon the book “The Accidental Billionaires” by Ben Mezrich. Produced by Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, Michael De Luca, and Ceán Chaffin. Executive producer is Kevin Spacey. Director of Photography is Jeff Cronenweth, ASC. Production Designer is Donald Graham Burt. Editors are Angus Wall, A.C.E. and Kirk Baxter. Costume Designer is Jacqueline West. Music by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross.
The Social Network has been rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for Sexual Content, Drug and Alcohol Use and Language. The film will be released in theaters nationwide on December 2, 2010.
Nov 14, 2010

Nov 13, 2010

Happy weekend..matilah aku, gaji dah dapat p enjoy plak...habis RM aku...aku dan Mr hari amatlah leisure..kul 12 tgh bangun tidur hahahah...pastu Mr bergegas g keja la...aku still lepak2 depan TV gemuk ..dok tgk Detective Conan..tetiba orang ketuk pintu...dia cakap nak check kualiti air, dia dari Persatuan Air Malaysia..aku tanya ni bukan jual penapis air kan..confident dia jawab aku benarkan dia masuk ...dan terangkan pasal air di rumah aku..mmg air disini agak tidak berkualiti...tapi diaorg menggunakan trick perkataan "penapis air" jadi " perawatan air"...diaorg sudah tukar itu perkataan..pandaikan..lepas tu diaorg cakap just buat permohonan saja dan akan hantar ke persatuan....sebenarnya mereka datang nak jual penapis air yang menggunakan Swiss Technology..mula2 aku rasa ralat juga, tapi why not try. lgpun mmg aku perlu aku pun beli mmg rezeki diaorg lah....tapi mmg aku sedar, air berkualiti menjamin kesihatan..bukan nak promote benda ini, tapi kita mmg perlu benda ini untuk kesihatan..tak kira dari jenama apa, aku syorkan kena ada water filter....
Nov 10, 2010

Aug 21, 2010